Got game? If you have to ask, probably not.
Vox has been running a series of posts for some time now on this topic. I read them but mostly don't comment. The reason is two fold. One, as a Christian I'm ashamed of my non Christian days and of many things I've done. I prefer to keep any conquests/indiscretions private. Also, since any stories I would tell involve other people, it would be a major violation of someone else's privacy as well. A gentleman never tells. I never did in high-school or college, even when telling would have scored me major points. Two, I don't have any interest in helping anyone shag more chicks. Its not my problem.
In the most recent "Got game" post Vox was accused of basically being a middle aged voyeur looking to rekindle his lost and misspent youth. Frankly I have no idea if this is true, and I don't care. But it has got me thinking. Why are these kinds of posts seemingly so popular? I think I have the answer. The commenters are worried that:
*Jamie if you and your mates could email me some more songs, I'd be happy to post them too.
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