I hate to think that I may be fickle. After all I truly believe that Mitt may very well have been worse for America than Obummer. After all, there isn't a single issue that he differed from Obama on. Except of course work ethic and leadership. Under Mitt we would have had a far left nut job that would have showed up to work every day and tried to get something done. Obama still has some nice golf courses that he hasn't tried and there may be one or two exotic locations his family hasn't taken a vacation to, on the taxpayers dime, yet. Those two facts may be our only hope for slowing the fall from the cliff. We already know that the republican majority in congress is going to roll over and play dead, just like they have for the last four years. As to my fickleness, if that's even a word, I hoped deep down that my fellow countrymen wouldn't be fooled again and they'd have the good sense to vote Obummer out.
I've been casting about for a word that perfectly describes America's current situation. I think I found it:
götterdämmerung. Of course degringolade was in the running too but while it has the benefit of being literally true it lacks the onomatopoeic quality that properly enshrines götterdämmerung as the best descriptor of our times. So there you have it my loyal readers, my contribution to our place in history is the identifying the epitaph at the top of the page in the history books: Barack Husain Obama's Second Term as President, America's Götterdämmerung.