For Christmas this year I was able to take a week off. So it was across the prairie, over the Missouri, Mississippi and a few smaller rivers, through the woods to Grandmothers house we went. The only problem was the winter snow storms that we had to drive in. We made it all of a couple of hours from home before 50 mile an hour winds and blowing snow made it impossible to go on. The next day I counted over 50 wrecks in 50 miles including several semis that didn't make it. Traveling was pretty bad and it took a lot longer to make it back east. Farmer Tom, I waved as we went by. I even thought of calling from Perkins Saturday night but I knew I had to press on. Unfortunately coming back home we had more of the same. You know the trip has sucked when navigating Chicago was the easiest part of the drive. After dealing with a fussy boy, bad roads and what has got to be the worst road trip of my life, I made it a point to apologize to my father for every family road trip he ever had to take us on growing up. There is nothing like parenthood to make you appreciate how much you made your own parents suffer.
Christmas news: Santa was good this year. Baby Ipsa has mastered the art of ripping paper off presents and its a blast to watch him tear into stuff. He loses interest as soon as the package is denuded of colorful paper, unless of course there is a cool box for him to play with. He cares nothing for the gift at this point.
I received some really cool reloading stuff. Let this be a lesson to you other guys, write down the exact item number from the RCBS catalog so there is no confusion as to what you want. Then "help" your kid write a letter to Santa explaining how much he wants his daddy to get a good non-tie gift. Sure its shameless self promotion, but hey I got one of these

for Christmas this year. Suckers, enjoy your sweaters. Daddy was good to daddy this year too. I'm getting a rebarrel on one gun AND my custom 1000 yard dog gun should be done by May. More on those when they get closer to completion. Mrs Ipsa received some good loot too, including a Canon camera shes been wanting, as well as other stuff.
I'm busting butt at work. Right now I'm filling two full time jobs because we're short handed, that and greedy guy that I am, I like the over time. Hope all is well with you and your's and you had a great holiday.
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