All in the Family featured the curmudgeonly Archie Bunker. Archie was television’s most famous grouch, blunt, blustering, straightforward and untouched by the PC crowd. He was the archetype of the conservative male. Michael desprately tried to reeducate him, but he persisted in his breviloquence.

Looking back at the last 40 years, we realize: ARCHIE WAS RIGHT!


Trump and Judges

I've gotta admit that I'm more than getting my monies worth when it comes to Trump as entertainment. It really is fun to watch him get things done and have Sodom on Potomac in a snit. Those in the know seem to think that Trump will announce his pick for Supreme Court Justice on Monday. Before he makes that announcement, I'm gonna stick my oar in. I think POTUS should nominate Roy Moore former Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court to SCOTUS.

There are a lot of solid and sensible reasons to have Roy Moore on the Court. Probably more good reasons in favor of him than anyone else I can think of. But that's not why I think Trump should do it. He should make that nomination for shear entertainment value. I know I said I was getting my monies worth now.  Half the media talking heads would explode. The other half would curl up and die of despair. 90% of Democrat and 75% of Republican office holders would immediately die of hart attacks on hearing the news. The sound of weeping and gnashing of teeth on college campuses would only be drowned out by the uncontrolled blubbering of bureaucrats and community organizers.

Just think of it...The Senate Conformation Hearing would be CNN gold. The devil will let John McCain out of hell just to side the democrats in opposing Moore. All the Holyweird crowd that promised to move to Canada if Trump was elected, will finally go.

Mr. President, just do it. Think of the ratings. Think of the twitter traffic. Think of the country. Think of the show!


  1. WaterBoy10:05 PM

    Won't happen. Despite the entertainment value, Trump is just as aware of his "legacy" as every other president, and won't want a losing proposition like this on his record.

    Props, though, on the idea. Certainly a unique proposal.

  2. I know it won't. Trump will likely get the wool pulled over his eyes like Reagan did.

    There is no such thing as a stealth conservative judge. Better to openly push for a Moore or someone equally repulsive to the dems. We'll know how much of a leftist wing nut we are getting by the amount of fight put up to oppose him.

  3. The real draw back to Moore is his age. He is too old to last that long. Trump will want to put in someone younger. I am betting it is the Catholic woman.
