All in the Family featured the curmudgeonly Archie Bunker. Archie was television’s most famous grouch, blunt, blustering, straightforward and untouched by the PC crowd. He was the archetype of the conservative male. Michael desprately tried to reeducate him, but he persisted in his breviloquence.

Looking back at the last 40 years, we realize: ARCHIE WAS RIGHT!


GFF, Cop Edition

City cops were attending what they believed was a domestic call at a Cornwall home involving an elderly couple who were in the midst of an argument.
Upon visiting the home police discovered that an elderly woman was suffering from dementia. They further determined that the husband had recently pawned his wedding ring in an effort to purchase groceries.
The couple had been married 54 years and the husband admitted he was finding it difficult to not only care for his wife, but to put food on the table.
So the cops pitched in with some grocery money and the coughed up the dough to go buy back the wedding ring.

“When I spoke to [DeLorenzo] she was very forthcoming and knew that the child should be in a booster seat,” Officer Hall told FOX 17 News. “She admitted that she was wrong and that she had recently fallen on hard times.”
MSNBC reports that the woman's car had been repossessed that day, with the car seat inside, and she could not afford a replacement.
Instead of ticketing DeLorenzo, Officer Hall told the mom to meet him at a nearby Walmart so he could buy a booster seat for her daughter.


  1. WaterBoy2:55 AM

    So if bad cops give all cops a bad name...does it follow that good cops should give all cops a good name?

    Rhetorical question....

  2. So if bad cops give all cops a bad name...does it follow that good cops should give all cops a good name?

    You're still more likely to get shot by a cop than to have him buy you a car seat for your kid.

    Police have a tough job. When they do it right and simply protect and serve they run the risk of having a bad guy get away. This is an injustice. When they engage in "proactive policing" they catch more bad guys but infringe on the citizens. This is a more serious injustice. The problem is at least two fold. The first is that due to liberalization policies in the school our society is declining to a point where more policing is required. The second is that the reaction of the "good citizens" is that they push for more drastic measures to feel safe. Those who desire "more cops" who are out there "doing something" don't care how far the cops go, or how badly they infringe on someone. They just want to feel safe.

    Our generation is straddling two police paradigms. We saw and grew up under one where cops where there to help and be "the good guys". We are moving towards one where cops are "enforcers" with undefinable objectives, unaccountable methods and a propensity for brute force.

    1. WaterBoy2:58 PM

      "Our generation is straddling two police paradigms. We saw and grew up under one where cops where there to help and be "the good guys". We are moving towards one where cops are "enforcers" with undefinable objectives, unaccountable methods and a propensity for brute force."

      Amen, brother.

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