All in the Family featured the curmudgeonly Archie Bunker. Archie was television’s most famous grouch, blunt, blustering, straightforward and untouched by the PC crowd. He was the archetype of the conservative male. Michael desprately tried to reeducate him, but he persisted in his breviloquence.

Looking back at the last 40 years, we realize: ARCHIE WAS RIGHT!



I noticed that Waterboy has been silent these last few days.  He probably laughed himself to death when he saw the Marines credited with bravery that turned out to be earned by the Air Force, National Guard and a civilian. 

I have been searching to see if I could discover the source of the mistake.  As far as I can tell the author of the original Daily Mail post made the mistake and several other news outlets copied it.  Beyond that I don't have an explanation.

The three young Americans involved in the story deserve our heartfelt praise, respect and admiration.  Men are supposed to fight.  We were made that way for a reason.  Part of our job as men is to stand against those that would hurt the weak and innocent.  We do that by fighting.

Sometimes in a fight you get hit, cut or shot.  All of those things happened on the train in France.  Our boys kept fighting despite their injuries.  They pressed the battle until they were victorious.


  1. Susan5:29 PM

    Yes they did. You don't mess with the military of any kind. When the young man from Oregon gets home, our Governor will hopefully pull out all the stops and maybe they can honor him in the legislature. That would be nice.

    What I have found darkly amusing is the attitude of the gunman, from begging for his gun back, to having the whole "who me? A terrorist?" attitude has certainly been a bizarre bit of amusement.

  2. WaterBoy6:48 PM

    Sorry, out camping since Friday and didn't get back until last night (just in time for Beer Dinner). Man, I really dislike IPAs!

    Res: "I have been searching to see if I could discover the source of the mistake. As far as I can tell the author of the original Daily Mail post made the mistake and several other news outlets copied it. Beyond that I don't have an explanation."

    Typical first-to-publish journalism. Get the basic facts, fill in what you don't know with a best-guess, publish it first to get credit for the "scoop", then apologize for any mistakes afterward.

    They probably just heard it was American military and guessed Marines -- perhaps from seeing so many Hollywood productions featuring jarheads.
